well..charlene went passed my archives.. and asked me to repost one of the funny post.. Y O U … C A N … O N L Y … T Y P E … O N E … W O R D !N O … E X P L A N A T I O N S ! 1. Yourself: Person 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend : No 3. Your hair: smooth=) 4. Your Mother: Busy 5. Your Father: Quiet 6. Your Favorite Item: Everything 7. Your dream last night: nothing 8. Your Dream Home: Bungalow 9. The Room You Are In: Mine 10. Favorite colour: Yellow 11. Your fear: Insects 12. Where do you want to be in ten years? Earth 13. Who you hung out with last night: Me 14. What You're Not: Spiderman 15. One of Your Wish List Items: Time 16. Your Gender: Female 17. The Last Thing You Did: move 18. What You Are Wearing: Clothes 19. Your Favorite Weather: all 20. The Last Thing You Ate: food 21. Your Life: Sian 22. Your Mood: bored 23. Who are you: human :D thats it..
im really bored..can't believe what i'm saying but i wish EZCO competition was back..and we had to go help..without it my life is like..empty.. SIDE NOTE TO CHARLENE TEO: YOU OWE: HUIJING 2 ICE CREAMS ME 2 ICE CREAMS KIANMING 1 ICE CREAM YONGJING 1 ICE CREAM ZONGYI 1 ICE CREAM SUBTOTAL : 7 ICE CREAMS haha..charlene..this is a huge sidenote:D nice time treating all of us..haha..me and huijing wants one sundae and one mcflurry each..hahaha....:D:D congrats to all DUNMANHIGH students:D
im blogging like the second time cuz there was a blackout-.- well..today is super slack there's nothing to do..i woke up at 10 plus which is quite late..haha..this week just for EZCO we had to wake up early..plus its not really my kinda thing to wake up early and sleep late.. without ezco i totally dunno what to do..its like suddenly so free..:x..well..i kinda miss EZCO..shocking..sigh.. 18th december..D:..sigh..dreaded date..plus i just realised time flies..i cant believe next saturday is NAC-.-..sigh..is this even a holiday??
Your Career Type: Investigative
You are precise, scientific, and intellectual.
Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems.
You would make an excellent:
Architect - Biologist - Chemist
Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician
Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist
Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian
The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.
i suggest you take this test: http://www.blogthings.com/whatfingerareyouquiz/ here's how it starts
♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: take the what finfer are you test! boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: http://www.blogthings.com/whatfingerareyouquiz/ ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: LOLOLOLOLOL. joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: FINGER? boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: haha ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: im the thumb ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: :D boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: im the middle finger boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: lolol joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: haha ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: she's the middle finger ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: HAHAHA joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: OMG boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: take it take itt boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: http://www.blogthings.com/whatfingerareyouquiz/ ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: lolololol. joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: OMG I'M MIDDLE FINGER ALSO ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: HAHAHAH ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: yay thumb is still the best K!AN MiNG 最美丽的遗憾 says: hello ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: :D ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: lawl K!AN MiNG 最美丽的遗憾 says: why are u all talking abt middle fingers? ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: LOLOLOLOL ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: because they are middle fingers! boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: OMG boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: HAHAHAHAHAHA boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: take this test boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: http://www.blogthings.com/whatfingerareyouquiz/ boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: lol joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: LOL boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: this is so hilarious boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: haha boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: hi 5 man boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: :D boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: yay me joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: I TELL YOU KM WILL BE MIDDLE FINGER ALSO AHAHHA boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: yay us boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: LOL i bet not ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: :D boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: why? boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: kianming..take the test leh boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: hahaha ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: hahah i dont think he'll take ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: :x
long long later when we started talking about other stuff..
joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: hmm joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: then faster speed for junma haha. K!AN MiNG 最美丽的遗憾 says: hey i took the quiz K!AN MiNG 最美丽的遗憾 says: i am the middle finger K!AN MiNG 最美丽的遗憾 says: lolz joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: wah kianming you're super lag joie de vivre ★ EVERLASTING patience. says: LOL ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: OMG LOL K!AN MiNG 最美丽的遗憾 says: kay i go away again boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: LOLOLOL ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: okay i lost the bet ♥ə̲̅F٥̲̅٦̅ nincompoop says: :( boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: HAHAHAHAHAHA boonie=) -2010 -huge decision says: HILARIOUS
today was fine..nothing much..feel very free all of a sudden..helping out at ezco is a killer..but it's sorta fun to spend time together to talk and laugh..:D..
hello again:D
pics spam..
on the way to t3/t2..tanah merah MRT:D
this is hilarious..
Boon Xuan: Kening, pose with the tissue! Kening: Don’t want! –walks away- The rest of the girls: Charlene you pose la.. Charlene: okay! BUT DON’T TAKE THE FACE AHHH!!! Boon Xuan: Okay:D:D –takes pic- -everyone crouds and burst out in laughter- Charlene: LET ME SEE!!OMG YOU TOOK THE FACE!!-.- LOLOL
Charlene’s hands..reaching for the lamp
The fact is that she’s sitting..its just that the lamp is low..haha
today went out with fiona, jieyi,qianyi, peiyi(jieyi's sis),and fiona's 2 friends joanne and karen..haha..hmm..was quite fun..was supposed to meet at 11 but i woke up at 11.14..:x.so rushed there and waxed my hand..:x..lol..not the one where u pluck out all your hair..please-.-
there's this orangey liquid thingy then the woman just put the hand in and out 3 times and put it in a plastic bag..after a while then they will peel it off..its quite warm..though.. and fiona said its hot and she screamed-.- she even accused me of being fat..though i really do not deny.. and then we went around..to walk and eat..
went home alone at 3 plus 4..cuz they still want to walk and i decided not to..
prom night is a scary movie:x
since charlene actually posted my promise on her blog..so ya..
pictures of her being locked out of zheng shi! It's in chronological order..
this is a very very unsuccessful way of hiding..she went to the window to ask me to open the door-.- (i already 'locked' it by pushing a zheng behind the door) she decides to be smarter and put the piece of paper in front of my wonderful camera
then she realised its smartest to hide at the corner..(look like she's emo-ing)BUT I STILL GOT HER.. except the face..
TADA!!!look at the expression on her face..LOLOLOLOL!!!
yay..i finally got my revenge..revenge is sweet:D hahaha..sorry charlene but u were mean
edit: stock checking is fun
edit edit:
jolene wants her unglam photos to be up.but i dun really have recent ones so u just have to make do with the july ones..
jolene meant i missed her name in the previous post.. i add the para here la..
dinner-ed with fiona zhenting jolene darryl charlene rebecca jieyi and qianyi..was loads fun and i kept laughing-.-till my face was red..cant help it..it just blushes so easily..hate it:/..
EZCO is finally over..;/ yesterday was the concert..just that i did not post yesterday cuz i was too tired..yesterday was fun though..besides the fact that we need to tiao 100000000 qins 2 times..so me and charlene met at kembangan to go school together..we were suppose to meet at 830 bt i was late for 15 minutes:x..cuz i overslept and woke at 8.11...oh well..then we reached school and starting moving the zhengs..
had difficulties fitting all the instruments because we only had a lorry and had to fit the percussion and zhengs inside which is a difficult thing to do..reached VCH and it was raining..stupid monsoon season..then ban-ed guzhengs and other stuff..and charlene did not have to ban anything and decided to go around sheltering people..apparently everyone just wanted to hurry and no one wanted the umbrella..haha..
then pasir ris sec also had stuff then all of us helped to move..plus they bring their zheng for nothing can..have to use our zheng..after their performance..cuz i'm suppose to take it down for them..a guy apprently thought it was their qin..-.-..i said is qin 64..but i realised its not so i just said 60 something..then a freaking guy ask me 60 what? like wth..they dun recognise one of the zheng and he expect me to memorise all the numbers and pattern of our zhengs meh? they like only have one lor please..and we had 24-.-..stupid..well pissed at him..
then we rehearsed and perform and have to move back..helped to move into the lorries..there's one more..and then waited cuz i thought need to go back to school..was too bored and we started dancing chicken dance..lol..and moo suggested we turn around..lol..and we played..until we realised no need to go back school..
dinner-ed with fiona zhenting darryl charlene rebecca jieyi and qianyi..was loads fun and i kept laughing-.-till my face was red..cant help it..it just blushes so easily..hate it:/..
we took them on the way to dinner..haha..the lights on the floor.apparently i was the first one to get it..:D haha..my phone rocks:DD