my blog's dead as u can see..x_X
rawr..have ben seriously busy..and apparently..due to the busy-ness.i really cant remembe i cant even remember anything that happened to me yesterday-.-
i love to luckily it's the hols..and i stll have to g back to school.i hate schooll..:x
after the came up with the "invention" of white forms the teachers have been threatening us with that..irritation
i think the comm can be quite fun though..especially the baking cookies speaks for themselves:
charlene trapped in between trolleys:D
the guys baking a one corner and we are shaping the dough

erm..this is yong jing and jiayu:x..i wonder where the idea came from:x
-but that was funny-
we took the picture..halfway through..haha..
all the pics are from charlene's blog.. dunno how to flip le..but's raining..
i hate remedials..sigh..have to go back school on mon and tues..:x..BAH..
someone please kill me..
you wont believe t..neither can i..i'm mesmerised-if thats the correct way of spelling-